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Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
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Rochester Hearing & Speech Center Presents...

We'll be throwing it back again in 2024!
Stay tuned for all the deets!
Our Ultimate 80s Party Was EPIC!
THANK YOU to everyone who came out for Rochester Hearing & Speech Center's Ultimate 80s Party last Saturday - it was an AWEOME night and we're so grateful to all those who generously gave to support RHSC. Together, we raised more than $40,000 for programs and services at Rochester Hearing & Speech Center, including $3,300 for our Financial Aid Fund!
A very special thank you to our sponsors! Thanks to your support, 100% of the funds raised at the event will directly benefit thousands of individuals who receive hearing, speech, developmental, and special education services at Rochester Hearing & Speech Center each year.
Huge thanks to our special guests Dr. Michael Mendoza, a.k.a. "DJ Commish," the oh-so-fabulous Darienne Lake and Aggy Dune, and 80s tribute band The Breakfast Club for keeping the party poppin' all night long with awesome 80s tunes and special performances. You truly made our Ultimate 80s Party ULTIMATE!
We really can't tell you how much fun this event was.... but you can see for yourself in the photo gallery! All images are available for download, so please enjoy and share! When sharing on social media, we hope you'll kindly give photo credit to John Schlia Photography. He did an amazing job!
We're already thinking of how we can make next year's 80s Party even more ultimate. We hope you'll join us!
Photo Gallery
Photos from the evening by