Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Contact Us (585) 271-0680
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Occupational Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy Services
(0-5 years of age)
Rochester Hearing & Speech Center employs highly educated New York State Licensed Occupational Therapists, who specialize in evaluating, treating and facilitating sensory processing and fine motor development utilizing therapeutic, play-based interventions to address a wide range of developmental and sensory processing delays including, but not limited to:
Fine Motor Skills (grasping, dexterity)
Coordination (eye-hand coordination, using both hands to participate in activities)
Strength and Endurance
Motor Planning (following sequences of routines, completing multi-step motor movements)
Visual-Perception (eye tracking, matching)
Visual-Motor (drawing, using scissors)
Sensory Processing (attention to tasks, tolerating sound/touch/taste/movement, providing calming and alerting activities to help with self-regulation)
Oral Motor Skills (feeding, tolerating food textures/tastes)
Daily Living Skills (dressing, feeding, toileting)
Functional Play Skills (social interactions with peers/adults, functional use of toys/materials)
Reflex Integration
Other Support & Expertise
Other Supports and Expertise include:
Developing Sensory Diets (customized therapeutic intervention plan to improve ability to perform daily activities, attend for learning, appropriate social interactions, sensory regulation/modulation/processing)
Providing Adaptive Equipment to improve functional independence
(feeding, positioning, sensory) -
Oral Motor – Feeding
Consulting with other team members, parents and caregivers to provide
suggestions and to ensure carryover of therapeutic activities. -
Parent Education