Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
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Educational & Clinical Services

Physical Therapy Services
(0-5 years of age)
Rochester Hearing & Speech Center employs New York State Licensed Doctors of Physical Therapy, who specialize in evaluating, treating and facilitating gross motor development utilizing therapeutic, play-based interventions to address a wide range of developmental delays and musculoskeletal conditions including, but not limited to:
Gross motor development (balance, coordination, ball skills)
Strength and endurance
Quality of movement
Posture/core strength (seated, standing)
Gross motor play skills (jumping, climbing, preventing falls, keeping up with peers on the playground)
Gait Training
Functional Mobility (rolling, crawling, ambulation, walking/running)
Motor planning (controlling motor movements, completing multi-step motor movements)
Reflex integration
Other Support
& Expertise
Other supports and expertise include:
Providing adaptive equipment to improve functional independence (feeding, positioning, ambulation)
NDT (Neuro-developmental Treatment)
Working closely with physicians when individuals have orthopedic and/or neurological concerns/conditions