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Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
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“I knew that there were changes in my hearing, but the message really got home to me through my daughters and especially through my wife.”
Meet James Anderson | Audiology Client | RHSC Board Member
- Click the link above to play James' Video Testimonial
I was about seven years old and I was in the second grade and that's when my parents first noticed that there was something unusual about my speech and uh and then it got labeled stuttering and then they looked for help and the help was at the time this would be the early 1950s was the Rochester Hearing and Speech Center and I did through these many years I've gone to therapy three different times at the Rochester Hearing and Speech Center um and uh with each passing time my speech became more fluent my journey of fluency uh over all these you know many years has been directly and and in a very positive way I would say influenced by my association with the folks at the Rochester Hearing and Speech Center I really didn't stutter at home you know with my family my mom and dad and my two sisters you know that was a very relaxed loving uh atmosphere um but in school growing up um especially in the early grades I felt that I was different it was very difficult for me as I got older I knew that there was uh changes in my hearing but the message really got home to me through my daughters and especially through my wife my wife and I would be watching TV and we would each have in our hands a remote control and that meant we could control the volume and there would be a tug of war in terms of the volume you know she would say let's fight at about a 10 and I had to be up you know close to 30 So my hearing was tested and it was recommended and I got my very first hearing aids which I have in now by the way and um I've been very happy both my mom and dad when they got older uh they both had hearing issues and they both got hearing aids but they got them through private you know for-profit companies they were never really satisfied with them so I knew that I did not want to repeat that experience and I knew about the Rochester Hearing and Speech Center so I inquired and I went they presented me with you know different options when I made my decision I felt that I was knowledgeable uh in terms of the technology there was a very attractive warranty and I would recommend it um to anybody because of the professionalism the lack of pressure the knowledge that their professionals have my advice if you got a hearing aid start with Rochester Hearing and Speech Center