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Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
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Ears & Beers
Sat, May 06
Ears & Beers Happy Hour, A Hearing Conversation Event!

Time & Location
May 06, 2023, 4:30 PM – 6:45 PM
Rochester, 219 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14607, USA
About the event
FREE EVENT Ears & Beers, a Hearing Conversation Event for those in the music and entertainment industry is coming to the Bug Jar on May 6th!
1-hour workshop w/Q&A, discounts on earmold impressions or custom musicians plugs will be available. There will also be "universal fit musicians earplugs" available for purchase.
Dr. Gregory Horton, Au.D, a board certified audiologist, musician and Nazareth Communication Sciences and Disorders alumni, will give an interactive presentation on how to safeguard your hearing when exposed to loud music and entertainment environments. Repeated and prolonged exposure to music of varying intensities can lead to a wide variety of disorders including hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Learn how to identify the causes and symptoms of music and noise induced hearing disorders and how to protect yourself without sacrificing the fidelity of the music you love.
The music industry is not regulated therefore it is up to musicians and support staff to educate and advocate for themselves and to incorporate hearing health into their regular healthcare routine. For more information about the event, please contact Dr. Greg Horton, Au.D - | 585-271-0680, Ext. 1016. About Rochester Hearing and Speech -
Stick around after the event ($12 cover) for a great night of music featuring Grace Serene & the Superclean / USP w/ afterparty DJ set by MR. SEABREEZE - (21+ only for the show)